Hmmmm... ...deleted...I made another quiz called
The Search For Atlantis. It's a long boring quiz that is absolutely nothing like what I planned it to be. Oh well.
I spent most of the day watching my mother rake the leaves in front of my uncle's house. Out of all those black cats, I made two new friends and decided to name them. The kitten which I had already bonded with in now dubbed Sir Little Man. The quiet little cat that didn't mind me petting it, as long as he/she was eating, is now called Sweat Pie or Sweatie for short. Another cat was just wonderful. He took forever to trust me and not freak out every time he discovered me petting him. (Who did he think was petting him?) When he finally did trust me he went wild. He rolled around and swatted playfully at me. He reminded me of something cross between Felix and Fiscus Dominacious (an old gray cat I had for a while). He also would not shut up. I decided to call him Mow Mow Dominacious. Yeah, I always have to have long exotic names for my animals.
My mother is freaked out that I've named them. Please! Has she ever caught me overly attached to anything? Alright, I'm attached to Buster, but he is like a son or something. He sleeps with me. I'm bound to get attached! Man, I've had him like seven years now. Whatever! I can name anything I want. I name my plants! (Am I ranting or what?)
My uncle has lent me some Celtic cds he thought I might like. They're alright. Kind of nice to have a variety, I guess. He was playing some Celtic music today and while mom wasn't looking we started doing a little dance. It was funny.
I'm having to keep my bedroom blinds open during the day for my money tree. It keeps turning yellow when it doesn't get enough sun. I'm being mighty careful now when I want to change my clothes. No more mooning the neighbors.
Too many chaotic things are happening lately causing me to eat at places that make me gain weight. I think I might try to get in control of weekday dinners. I'm tired of eating out and eating really late. I love to cook so I should really start making more of an effort.
My creativity has disappeared completely. I have no stories to write, no poems to create, no interesting anything lately. Oh, well. I should probably go read my Bible or something. Have I mentioned that I've been sick for almost a month? Yeah, and I was already sick for the last week of November to the second week of January. I'm so tired of being sick. It's not bad, but please! You can only stand so much.
Ohhhh... The Simpsons. TTYL!
Weight: 178lbsLabels: pets, plants, quizzes, uncle