My New Favorite Song
Have you heard this song yet? It's Hilarious! "Lonely" by "Akon"
It's really indescribable. iTunes sent me an email and said I could have 13 free songs since I hadn't downloaded anything lately. LOL. So one of them was this song. I've listened to it about ten times now. I must stop. egh.

I like this little alien creature. Maybe it will show up. Maybe it won't. I don't know. If it does. I think you can expect me to go nuts. Wow, look at this unintelligible blog I've just written. Must be having a blonde moment.
Weight: 176lbs (what happened to the cheeseburger?)
Great! I'll help with whatever you need as long as it has to do with coding your site or dealing with the blogger interface. Not like I have anything better to do. LOL!
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