- = Wednesday, February 02, 2005 = -

Quizzes... Anyone?

I can't leave well enough alone. If I enjoy anything, I just have to do it myself. I'm that way about everything.

I loved surfing the net, but couldn't often find fun sites. So what did I do? I made my own websites. But I can't have it easy on myself, either! I had to get down into the nitty gritty and learn how to code the html. Then when I wasn't satisfied with that, I learned CSS. I've already tried venturing into PEARL, Javascript, and XHTML, but those scripts and tags seem daunting. I give up. Don't expect me to leave it alone forever. I'll try again, search for more sites with more lessons, and I will get around to learning those. It's just a matter of time.

What else have I gotten myself into?

Well, I couldn't be satisfied with just a few family stories or tales of genealogical adventures. I had to go and learn every little genealogical tip and trick. I read book after book and visited site after site until I could stand no more. I am an expert with practically no experience. Sure, I've read a few census records. Yeah, I've visited a few libraries and court houses. Okay, I've made a couple of genealogy sites that are pretty cute and excite my family members. Alright, I know alot of my lines, even up to 1498. But all of that seems like a fraud. The work was mostly done before I ever thought of becoming a genealogist. It seems I've become a compiler of facts rather than a gatherer of them.

I love video games. I love the expensive games with 3D animations and long story arcs. But I sometimes enjoy the free games, the little ones you can download, even more. Ever heard of Jardinains!? What about the flash game with three hundred levels about a ninja fighting robots? It's simply called N. Ever come accross HD Tactics, CyPet, The General, or Ore No Ryomi 2: The Restuarant? I love these little games. So what did I have to do? I had to find some way of creating my own little free downloadable games, of course! I searched and searched for a free game making software, that even if it was hard to master, would allow me to have ultimate control over the games I create. I found it in Game Maker. I've made tons of games. Alot of them I converted over to a SpyGirls theme and offered them as free downloads on my SpyGirls site. I have a bunch that are ready to go, but I delay uploading them because of the long wait and frustration I know I will have to endure when uploading them to geocities. Too many times, it just won't go and I have to try, try again.

I can go on and on with this topic. Love books. Got to write my own novels. Love poetry. Got to write my own poems. Love songs. Got to write my own songs and learn to sing and play the flute, piano, and guitar. I suddenly fell in love with blogs and oops... here's my own blog. Love languages and now I must learn French, German, Irish, Russian and even Sign Language. Don't worry. I've only gotten around to learning a bit of French and a tad of Sign Language.

Like I said, I can't leave well enough alone. I just have to know the ins and outs of EVERYTHING! Where am I going with this, anyways?

Well, now I've suddenly got make some quizzes. They can't be simple, either. They are stories with subtle questions and many answers. Today I wrote my first one. It's The Fairy's Revenge. It's about a stupid girl (the quiz taker), walking in some stupid forest, crushing some stupid mushroom, which happens to be the home of some stupid fairy. Hehe. As punishment she wants to turn the girl into a fairy and the quiz is about which fairy the girl will end up becoming. It's pretty good. I've tested it on a few people already (namely, my mother), and they all seemed to love it and loved their outcomes, too. So now I've got to come up with a website to host my own quizzes, but since, of course, I never learned PEARL and the like, I can't do that right now. I don't know how to make a quiz form. I'm impatient, though. I'm going to host my first few quizzes over at Quizilla!. Maybe I'll get some unbiased opinions over there. I love my friends (and my mother), but they aren't always as dead honest as they should be with my little projects. Can anyone recall that little girl scout trip to the cable company? LOL!

Alright. I've ranted all I can for one night. Go visit Quizilla! in a couple of days to check out The Fairy's Revenge. I'll keep you posted when it actually goes up and if there's any name changes.

Weight: 176lbs (I ate a Braum's cheese burger today. Oops! Tomorrow will show it LOL!)

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