- = Sunday, January 30, 2005 = -

I miss Carson!

Johnny Carson died. I used to watch him when I was very little. My parents never knew I stayed up that late.

By the time I was watching him, he apparently only came in on Monday's and was transitioning over to Jay Leno. At the time, I absolutely hated Jay Leno. I wanted Carson back.

All I remember now of Johnny Carson (besides my undying love for him) is his last show when all of those balloons started falling down. I was almost falling asleep lying down on my living room couch with the only light coming from the tv. I was crying my eyes out. I guess I must have known that was the last show.

Oh, yes, I do remember one other thing from Johnny's Late Night show. I remember Ed McMan (if that's his name) coming on all the time and always messing with his big nose. A typical thing a child would notice. (Oh, it's Ed Mc Mahan. I just saw him on ET.)

Boo hoo! Farewell Johnny Carson!

Weight: 175lbs

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