King Frog!
Do you like King Frog?

King Frog will soon be my background!

To be honest, he is only here because I am unaware as how else to do this. I could go through the trouble of hosting him at another site... but I won't.
Weight: 176lbs
Labels: blog software, pictures, pointless
Awwww, that's better! Adds just a bit of individualism to this great template. I should also probably give credit to Boogie Jack's for designing this cute little frog. I did edit it a tad more to my taste but not the frog himself. You can find your own great free recources at .
LOL! Yeah, I do update alot. My days are just filled with sitting in front of this comp... being bored out of my mind. Can't wait till I'm "allowed" to go search for a job. I must wait for certain "family obligations" to be over. I do love my regal kingly/queenly frog. Hm... I wonder. My best friend can tell you all about my "obsession" with bull frogs... that is if she'll ever comment like she keeps telling me she will. Where are you, girl !?! I'm waiting!!!
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