- = Wednesday, February 23, 2005 = -

More On The Uncle

I'm finally home. We were up at the hospital for eight hours today. After that, we went to his house and talked about what was going to happen next.

I mostly stayed outside playing with his cats. Now I've got three cats that absolutely love me and four more that aren't scared of me anymore. Ol' Momma Cat, as I like to call her now, is pregnant yet again. She kept bullying me for more food.

This weekend we're cleaning out our extra bedroom for him to stay in when it comes time. We'll also be going over there to clean his house out some or at least decide what we'll do with it all. We'll also have to shop for a couple of wedding presents for my cousin's shower coming up on Easter weekend and for her wedding. Man... big weekend.

Weight: 176lbs

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