- = Thursday, March 29, 2007 = -


Hehe. So here is my apartment.

You enter into my apartment by the door just right of this pic. Where the wall curves there. When I first moved in, all I had was my puppies. They're still there, but now I have some furniture. I don't have it decorated the way I want or all the furniture that I want, so I'll take a pic of it then... when I do. :P And that large window thing is a sliding glass door that leads to a roomy balcony.

After you enter the apartment, to your immediate left is a view of the kitchen and dining room. This is the before (like the dog food there? :P) and after shots of that. I LOVE this furniture. White washed and so pretty. And soon I'll have tons of cranberry glass inside those cabinets. Hehe.

Looking straight on from the entrance is a small hallway. You can just see the curve of it to the right of the dining room in the before shot. On the left is a bathroom, on the right is my office (see previous post) and straight ahead leads to my huge bedroom. Hehe.

So here is the before and after shots of my bathroom.

And here be the bedroom. That's a before shot. I have some chairs in there now, but I still don't have all my bedroom furniture. So I'll show you that later, too.

I hope you enjoyed the tour. :D

Currently: Drooling

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This here is the big magnificent desk I built and I'm durn proud of it. :D

Step one: Unpack contents of box.

Step two: Start building it.

Step three: Build it some more.

Step four: Don't forget to build the hutch.

Step five: Enjoy!

That computer on the left is my brothers'. I'm keeping it until he moves somewhere where he doesn't get the door kicked in every other week. >_<

More pics to come!

Currently: Pixelating

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- = Friday, March 16, 2007 = -

Are You a Robot?

Funny, I was just watching Data. :P

Click here to find out what robot you really are

Currently: Looking at the time, widening my eyes, and hurrying away to sleep.


- = Wednesday, March 14, 2007 = -

Sing Happy Birthday To Me

Because you know, it's my bday.

I bought myself a birthday cake. I keep nibbling on it, and it keeps making me sick. I'm not supposed to have that stuff. It does a number on me... ummm... yeah. Nevermind.

Guess what I got. Heehee. Daddy got me two fishing poles. They are gorgeous! I love em' love em' love em'! I can't wait to go fishing again.

I need to go to my brother's house and get the cord that hooks my camera up to the computer. I've taken loads of pictures of my apartment and my fancshy smanshy desk. And I'm tired of playing with the photos I have on my computer. I'm ready for new stuff to tweak. Yeah.

I do believe I mentioned me getting cable. Anywho, I ended up returning the wireless thing and buying all the crap I needed to install the cable across the walls of my living room and through a newly made hole in the wall to my office. It all looks so nice. I'm happy about it. And it cost less than half than the wireless thing.

My favorite shows now are The Dog Whisperer, SG1, various Star Trek episodes, Futurama, Coupling on demand :P, and you know, some more stuff. I'm such a nerd. Whatever.

Currently: Eating Cake

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