- = Wednesday, March 14, 2007 = -

Sing Happy Birthday To Me

Because you know, it's my bday.

I bought myself a birthday cake. I keep nibbling on it, and it keeps making me sick. I'm not supposed to have that stuff. It does a number on me... ummm... yeah. Nevermind.

Guess what I got. Heehee. Daddy got me two fishing poles. They are gorgeous! I love em' love em' love em'! I can't wait to go fishing again.

I need to go to my brother's house and get the cord that hooks my camera up to the computer. I've taken loads of pictures of my apartment and my fancshy smanshy desk. And I'm tired of playing with the photos I have on my computer. I'm ready for new stuff to tweak. Yeah.

I do believe I mentioned me getting cable. Anywho, I ended up returning the wireless thing and buying all the crap I needed to install the cable across the walls of my living room and through a newly made hole in the wall to my office. It all looks so nice. I'm happy about it. And it cost less than half than the wireless thing.

My favorite shows now are The Dog Whisperer, SG1, various Star Trek episodes, Futurama, Coupling on demand :P, and you know, some more stuff. I'm such a nerd. Whatever.

Currently: Eating Cake

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