- = Friday, January 12, 2007 = -


This week I have one address. Next week I'll have another. I have no idea how long it will take my driver's license to be switched to the new address, so I also have no idea if I should put my new address or my old address onto my passport application. If you move, do you have to get a new passport? I've got much to research.

Also, the rubber around my windshield is coming out again. Cept' this time it is MY car and I don't know what to do about it, or how much it will cost to fix. I expect the whole windshield will need to be replaced. What the heck did Mom do to fix the problem last time? Maybe someone just jammed it back in real good. Dunno. It freaks me out every time the wind catches it and then it slams back on the car with a metallic thud. Instant heart attack, and not that fun when I'm on the highway between an eighteen wheeler and a concrete barrier... and the eighteen wheeler isn't so much concerned about staying in his lane. Also, sometimes the wind blows through it and it sounds just like a cat crying. THAT really freaked me out until I realized what it was. I was afraid some animal was hanging on for dear life down there or something.

How do you know which washer and dryer to buy? I can get both from a range of 800 to 2500 dollars. I'll need to measure the apartment again and make sure the dryer runs on electricity, but yeah. Which ones? I talked to a salesman yesterday, and he picked a couple out he thought I should have. I kinda' want a front loading washer though... and I don't want to buy trash. I WANT something nice that's going to last me. The dryer at the house is gas and going fine... it's 10 years old. But the washer is a source of annoyance. A screw holding a piece of metal, which is holding a spring, which helps keep the tub sturdy during the spin cycle keeps getting shaken loose and then there's the constant banging against the front. Won't stay put together, man.

So anywhosits, a friend or two and I are going to shopping this weekend for that and stuff for my new apartment. And also, doing the move. So after I relax a bit here, I think I'll wash all my clothes, pull out a few outfits to wear for the next few days, and then pack em' all up. I should also repack my red glassware. They won't survive a move the way they are now. I really didn't think when I unpacked them and put them in these tubs that I'd be repacking them so soon... mere months later.

I have no idea what color wood I should be aiming for in my new digs. Should I go with the tables I already have and don't like, or should I cover my tables with cloth and get the darker cherry wood I like... or maybe I want white washed wood and do a relaxing beachy decor. I hate being so mainstream as to decorate with beach stuff like everyone else, but then, I always get this relaxing blissful feeling when I'm around beach stuff, that maybe I should just DO it and stop worrying about what stream I'm in. Hehe.

That's enough chatter, you. Go wash your clothes!

Currently: Sneezing, apparently.

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