Apartmenticities and Deskosities
So, I believe I should go to home depot and buy some sand. Stock up for future freezings. It's not fun trying to climb icy stairs. A friend was helping me move some stuff today and she had some sand handy and that stuff works great. For some reason I really didn't think a smidge of sand would actually do anything, but it made it like the ice wasn't even there. I think I might fill a tub up with it and keep it in my coat closet. Hehe.
I need to take some piccies of my apartment. Also, the desk I wanted isn't going to happen. I have a chance to buy another one for much cheaper, but I'm not sure if I should. If I wait too long, it will disappear on me. I just don't know. Mocha cherry is so dark, but my computer is black, and it might be okay... but I'm afraid of making things depressing for the sake of a comfy feel. I just really don't know. Can't make up my mind. Buying that and the bookcases will cost around 1000 dollars, so it's a big decision. Bleh :P
I just remembered I wanted to go to the post office today to finish my passport application, but I forgot. Tomorrow I'll be doing lots of shopping. So maybe the next day? Or not? Sometime soon. Hehe.
Lots of stuff to think about. I haven't spent much of anything on my proposed furnishing budget. I'm so indecisive. I'm usually never indecisive. I usually know exactly what I want and go for it immediately. I think the problem is, really, that the computer is very important to my way of life. I spend so much time on it. And while I've made this desk work over the last few years, I want something that I'm not going to complain about for the next ten or so years to come.
I've been talking to everyone about this stupid desk I'm buying. Hehe. Yeesh. I'm prolly' annoying the heck out of everyone. It's just a desk. No need to get huffy about it. I'm just sad that the dream desk I want, the bush mission pointe collection, is being discontinued and no one has the hutch. The hutch isn't that important, I think, but I want it. It's just not the same without it. It's not the DREAM without it. And I might as well spend a lot less money if I can't have my dream. The bush tuxedo mocha cherry collection is pretty similar, but no book cases. And it's being discontinued as well. And it's so dark. But I can get mocha cherry or very similar colored cherry wood book cases elsewhere. BUT I DON'T KNOW.
Stop that. *whack*
Currently: Waiting for the bro to get home so I can go home.