- = Friday, July 21, 2006 = -


So that heat thing... our compressor went out. Got it changed out by a friend the other day and uh... he hasn't asked for any money yet.

I'm going with a friend to check out nursing care facilities for Mom later. They released her the other day, got her home, couldn't handle certain things, had to call the paramedics to help us out, and now she's back in the hospital. Various doctors and nurses can't believe that they tried to send her home instead of down to rehab. o_O

And... I seem to be incredibly busy doing very little at all. Maintaining the house, visiting mom, handling bills, uh... normal adultish stuff. (Eek, when did I become an adult? O_O) And I'm considering this my vacation too. It is SO relaxing to not have to get up every five seconds to retrieve this, pick up that, help move her and her stuff to this room, help move her and her stuff to that room, wake up several times a night to calm things down, and deal with her steroids making her evil and telling me I'm worthless and never do anything but hang out on the comp. Yeah.

Currently: Waiting for a new neo day.


- = Sunday, July 16, 2006 = -

Steamyness Pshhhhh

It is SO HOT!!!!

It's like 105 outside and probably 99 inside... we have no insulation in this house and the temperature gauge doesn't go past 90, so I don't know.

What's really funny is the dogs. Buster has his mouth wide open, tongue hanging out, and keeps going back and forth to the fan and the water not quite deciding where he'd like to be. Cinnamon, the ever playful puppy, is rolling around on her back in front of the fan, legs all spread out like she's making and x, and taking nibbles at my toes.

I made a mermaid today. Go check it out at deviantart. XD

Mom's in the hospital again. Turns out she has diabetes. A normal range of blood sugar levels is like 90 to 160. 500 causes you to go into a diabetic coma. Mom was at 480. The last few days have been really hard taking care of her and we attributed her symptoms to her new drugs and chemo which she started last week. All that weakness, endless thirst, and uh.. other things was the diabetes. I think those symptoms actually started, though, a month ago. This is really not going to be fun. :/

Currently: Chatting

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- = Wednesday, July 12, 2006 = -

Cry Cry Cry

I'm living in gross gross grossness.

Everyday this week will be about getting up early, staying at the hospital or the cancer center for hours and hours, and then gross things. Repeated when necessary.

The following is gross.

Mom has a needle hanging out of her chest. She's not strong and is almost falling down all the time. In my head I keep picturing her falling... forward... moooooaaaaannnnn. I can't stand these stupid thoughts that won't go away. Cry. Plus with the even grosser things that happened last week. Geeyah.

/End gross.

So since I'll be spending five hours in a waiting room tomorrow... minimum... I went and bought the first harry potter book. I know dwaggie will be proud. Haha. *sigh*

Currently: Searching for a charger.

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- = Monday, July 03, 2006 = -


Today... I did lots of stuff. Did lots of stuff yesterday too. :3

I spent the whole of this morning and part of the afternoon in the emergency room with Mom. She tried to sleep in bed for once (after her port replacement surgery last Tuesday) and rolled on it or something. It hurt something fierce (I always end up erasing that common phrase of mine, but I think I'll leave it in this time) and bruised up underneath her stitches. XRays and things told us it was alright and it stopped hurting around noon. We agreed that she should stay in her chair (that chair that helps you stand up and stuff... was grandmothers before she died) until she is completely healed.

Then there was all the other stuff... a jumble of errands and, uh... food. *shrug* I'm worn out. I need a vacation. Haha.

Currently: Studying prayer so I can do it better. XD
