- = Wednesday, July 12, 2006 = -

Cry Cry Cry

I'm living in gross gross grossness.

Everyday this week will be about getting up early, staying at the hospital or the cancer center for hours and hours, and then gross things. Repeated when necessary.

The following is gross.

Mom has a needle hanging out of her chest. She's not strong and is almost falling down all the time. In my head I keep picturing her falling... forward... moooooaaaaannnnn. I can't stand these stupid thoughts that won't go away. Cry. Plus with the even grosser things that happened last week. Geeyah.

/End gross.

So since I'll be spending five hours in a waiting room tomorrow... minimum... I went and bought the first harry potter book. I know dwaggie will be proud. Haha. *sigh*

Currently: Searching for a charger.

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