Its a Me!!!!
I think I'm getting better at this artistic thing... looky! I drew mah self.
This little diddy is the best self cartoonage I've ever drawn. One new lesson learned... stop trying to hide that big chin of mine! Cartoonists AMPLIFY the quirks... not hide them. V_V So... I'm all happy. I learned a new trick.

I think anyone who has seen me... known me... etcetera... can attest to this being me. :D I'm a wearer of hairbands and I do lubb my Christmas PJs. And this particular top says alot about me. Am I a good girl, or a rude a... er, person.
Yep... proud and excited... and a little dorky I be.
Currently: Multi-chat-tasking.
Great Job! It really looks like you!
Thank you :3
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