- = Friday, May 12, 2006 = -


I became a Teachers Aide for a day... for kindergarten.

I tried to sleep last night, but didn't get a wink. So yes, I was a bit zombified. Then I drove to the school and wasn't in there five minutes before someone came in and said a white Camry out there had a flat tire. Of course it was mine! A nice shiny screw was the culprit. Where do all the screws come from!?! Are people throwing their tools out of their windows willy nilly?

I helped the kids pay attention to their task... coloring in the scales of a fish. When they completed that, I walked them to the box to turn them in. Then had them write their names on the top of their little booklets. Then they read the book to me.

Gas makes it go!

Cars need gas. Gas makes it go. Trucks need gas. Gas makes it go. Boats need gas. Gas makes it go. Lawn Mowers need gas. Gas makes it go. What else needs gas? Big rigs need gas. Gas makes it go. Big rigs give gas.

Yeah. That's what most of my day was like. We also colored in those books after they were read and watched a movie. Always did love The Land Before Time series. I had to keep pulling boys back to sit next to me.

Oh but we did have some drama too. After the kindergartners went to PE where Ron works (Kathy's friend's husband who also changed my tire) I stayed in the office answering phones. Three girls got pulled in from recess with green hair. They dyed their hair semi permanent on the playground! haha. Then a bunch of people started screaming in the nearby cafeteria. The the teachers started running down the hall yelling about a fight. Two girls started it which got the whole cafeteria going crazy.

Ah, to be back at a wholesome elementary school.

Currently: Reflecting
