- = Wednesday, March 15, 2006 = -

A Birthday Recap

So... maybe you are wondering... maybe you aren't... about what happened on my bday.

Online, I had a blast. Offline... it was a long and boring day. Towards the end of it, dad showed up with a cake and several movies. I am now the proud owner of Spy Game, Kiss the Girls, Star Wars I, IV, V, and VI, and Braveheart o_O. I keep eating little pieces of the cake, but it makes me sick. But I wasn't expecting a cake at all, so that was good. ;)

Saturday, for lunch, we'll be going to Applebees. If a certain friend of mine would like to come along, she is welcome, if not, I'll see her next month. :P

I won't even get into the rant tonight, though I have a humongous headache because of it. And I think I'm going to go through my archives and erase a bunch of stuff. Make sure nothing is there that can kick me in the rear.


Currently: Moaning



Approximately 6:02 PM, March 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous thought it fit to add...

I know it's two days after your birthday and I did not forget. I have just had a lot going on, which I'll tell you about rather than posting it on here. YES, I want to come to Applebees! That way I can give you my present also! What time do you want me over? I need to call you either tonight or tomorrow. Have a great day!


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