- = Friday, November 17, 2006 = -

My Feet Hurt

Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow... My Feet Hurt... Ow Ow Ow Ow... I'm not gonna' make it. Ow Ow Ow Ow

I've got a new job, man. I'm a cashier at an electronic store. :3

Oh my gosh, my feet are hurting.

I want to put all my money right back into that store. Ha.

I am so upset. They tryin' to give my money to my Aunt. I have to call em' tomorrow. I hate when things happen at night when I can't do anything about it.

Did I mention my feet hurt?

Currently: My feet hurt! Shut up!

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- = Saturday, November 04, 2006 = -

If One More Thing Breaks...

I'm surrounded by things that are... well, breaking! My universe is crumbling into millions of useless little pieces! Yeeesh.

Air Conditioner broke. Fixed it. Fridge broke. Fixed it. Washer broke. Fixed it. Broke again. Didn't fix it. I just sit on it and enjoy the thumpy ride during the spin cycle. Stove broke. Didn't fix it. Don't know how to fix it. I rarely employ professionals to fix things unless they're a friend. TV broke. Didn't fix it. It's a ten year old rear projection big screen. Love the thing but we're learning little tricks to get around all the craziness. Like using the VCR to reach channels higher than the number thirteen. (I mean really... thirteen channels... like those old ancient televisions that my grandmother still used until she died... how come my TV has psychically reached into the past to some cousin TV... to employ only those channels with numbers between 1-13.) Then I press the magic button every time I turn it on and once every hour to keep that loose red tube in the right place. Sink clogged. Worked for three hours but I fixed it. The vacuum cleaner broke! A Kirby! Mind you, a ten year old Kirby, but still. Grarrr.

Guess what broke today. My dish washer broke today. Today, my dish washer died. It won't drain the water. I used a mop to get all that water out and tried to unclog it, but no luck. Then I turned the thing on so as to fill it up with cleaner water in hopes of like... using the plunger on it or something. But the little spin thingy wouldn't spin. Then it started smoking. Oh come on! Did I hit the mop against something I shouldn't have?

Maybe I just didn't have it on the right setting. Now that I think about it, maybe I need to fiddle with the position of the positioner and see if it really was on the rinse cycle. It could have been on the steam cycle. That would make sense. o_O

That does make sense.

Steam... not smoke.

I'm stupid.

Still clogged, though.

Oh, and the internet isn't working tonight, either. Two of the blogs I like, livejournal and deadjournal, are out so I can't check on people there. deviantART is on read only mode, so I can't submit anything or check on the comments.

NEOPETS IS CLOGGED WITH TRAFFIC!... Three in the morning and it's clogged to a grinding halt. I've been trying to battle for an hour and even when I manage to finish a fight, it won't count towards my score. One hour and I have one measly point against the stupid Black Elm! I've yet to fight the Blathering Beech and the Savage Sycamore. Don't you just love those names? Yes... they're trees. I'm fighting trees. It's three in the morning and I'm trying to fight some trees and I can't because so many other people are trying to fight the trees, too. This is some very popular tree fighting we've got here.

Oh, and George got his hand caught in a press today. Cut the tips of his fingers off and crushed the bones. I'm praying for him and I hope you will too.

Currently: Going back to kick some trees' rear ends... wherever that may be.

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- = Wednesday, November 01, 2006 = -

Job Search, Take Two

I didn't go job searching at all last week or, uh, so far this week.

That's pretty bad considering the only thing I have to do is pick up the phone and call the temp agency. Haha. But behold! My excuse! I am sick. I was sick, I mean. Still got the cough, but that phase lasts months, sometimes. No, I was really sick. It came with a headache so bad I felt like throwing things at people, but there was no one around to throw things at. My dogs were around, but I don't want to be that person that throws things at their dogs. o_O Not unless I'm asleep and have the excuse.

I spent Sunday night (whilst sick and frequently washing my hands so as not to spread the germs *halo*) painting on kids faces for Fall Festival. All sorts of choices they could pick, but the three most popular designs were the pumpkins, flowers, and jedi light sabers. One kid dressed as Nacho Libre had me paint a big light saber on his chest. Haha.

I've been spending alot of time in Paint Shop Pro. You should check out my latest pics on DeviantART. Lots of photomanipulation and I especially like my icons. I think I should start making some Christmassy icons. Hrmmm...


Currently: Uploading more userpics to livejournal cuz' I can. :P

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