The Alternative Universe
The Universe according to me... which usually involves some sort of humiliation. I'm a Christian, a rocker, a nerd (::snort::), a writer, a poet, a songstress (if I could sing), a webmaster (most sites are not public so you'll just have to take my word for it), a genealogist (woo hoo, ancestors!), a self improver (yeah, right), and a clumsy, A.D.D., shy, crazy dork. Yeah, I think that about covers it.
- = Saturday, April 22, 2006 = -
- = Wednesday, April 19, 2006 = -
Update On Me Life
I have nothing entertaining to tell at the moment. A little busy lately so a little neglectful. Haven't updated my blog or turned on AIM in days and days. *turns on AIM as she writes this*
I need to update my AIM name on here. It's NOT cinnamonlover anymore... I had that name all of two seconds. haha.
Mom has been going to radiation every week day morning. I stay up late at night and then I have to wake up to drive her there. My new hair cut is a mess. I don't have time to do anything with it before I leave and ALL of my headbands that I like are BROKEN! Don't they make any headbands for adults? Getting off track here. :P Radiation is no big deal. They put her mask on, bolt her down, and then point puple lights at her head for ten minutes. Then she's done. At the moment, she's doing thirteen treatments of whole brain radiation. Then they will make a new mask for her, blend some new scans together, and pin point the bigger lesions. She's on steroids for her swollen brain, and those make her act irrationally. Cursing and breaking glass have occured. Since she found out it was the steroids causing it, she's more aware of herself and isn't acting so mean anymore. Also, she has a spot of cancer on her lung and a spot on her liver. After the radiation they will do biopsies of these and make sure its still collon cancer before treating it with chemo. They flushed her metaport out and it still works fine although they can't draw any blood from it.
Cinnamon has always slept in a cage but now I've got Buster doing it too. He used to sleep with me but I don't want to deal with all his fur anymore or cause mites to invade my new mattress quickly. Neither are allowed in my room. We used to call my room Buster's room since he spent more time in there than I did. Hehe. He's getting older and doesn't have as much control over his business as he used to. The good thing is, he's more excited at night to enter his cage than Cinnamon. All I have to do is tap the cage and say 'bedtime' and he jumps up and runs in. I'm surprised. Hehe. Cinnamon just kinds of hangs back and looks away like, 'hmmm? I didn't hear anything'. She's so silly. I'm also thinking about getting a fifty dollar high pitch noise, dog bark control machine... thing. Life would be much more pleasant if they wouldn't freak out every time someone comes over. Grrr...
If you ever have the opportunity to get Net Zero, don't. You get less than what you pay for. Connection hangs of up to ten minutes happen at the very least, once an hour. Also, they hang up on you four hours on the dot, and if you step away from the computer for fifteen minutes, you'll come back to find it disconnected for 'security' purposes. They always launch IE when you sign on... to their home page. No option to turn that off. (I use Firefox, stupid!). And you have to watch a thirty second commercial that stays on top of everything every time you sign on. Let me tell you, when you are having trouble signing on and have to do so three or so times, those stupid commercials make me want to punch someone. Grrrrrr...
I've got all my inherited red glass collection out. We are going to be spending two hundred dollars to pack it all up good. There are twenty seven dessert dishes, twenty one dinner plates, tons of goblets of all shapes and sizes, pitcher, wine glasses, canisters, bowls, decorative things... just tons of lovely stuff. I'll have to decorate my dining room in red for the rest of my life. Haha!
I think that's it. Nah, but whatever. Zawzy.
Currently: Slaving over massive online projects... cuz' it is oh so fun!
- = Monday, April 03, 2006 = -
Cleaning Out Za' Closet
Awaiting the arrival of my comfy, twin size, pillow top, bed tomorrow I decided to do some major spring style cleaning of my room. My trash can is filled to the brim with mementos of the past.
I have kept a souvenir from every official boyfriend I've ever had... as early as five years old. The shoe box that held these trinkets gave me a good laugh today... before joining the other junk in the ben out back. Haha. I had a brass bracelet with blackened cats holding hands from my first boyfriend. I was obsessed with cats back then. Haha. My second was two strings of yarn... probably for making those string finger designs or something. A brief fling at daycare while I dated boyfriend #1. LOL! From boyfriend #3 I had a piece of paper with a huge colored rose on it and a poem. Awww. Boyfriend #4 was a autographed school photo. Boyfriend #6 was a napkin from taco bell. Not exactly sure why. o_O. My last boyfriend, Boyfriend #7, was a styrofoam cup with love notes written all over the side... oh, and our engagement ring. Don't worry, it was probably worth about five bucks. Piece of crap. And I dumped him two weeks later. Haha.
Which reminds me... I saw his wife today.
We went up to the Imaging place and picked up Mom's MRIs. Very interesting. I had just been studying sinuses yesterday, so it was really weird to suddenly see all her sinuses and, uh, brains. If you've ever seen an MRI from the top of the head looking down, round about where the eyes are, you'd be going ooooh and aaaaah too. It's really freaky to see white olives floating in front of long muscles floating in front of a brain. Yeah.
So Mom has six identified masses. I could pick out four of them. Over the top of her head towards the right, she has a wide flat mass, very thin but covers a good portion of her brain. On the right side of her head right above her jaw joint (which is why they kept thinking she had TMJ... and why, when her brain would swell, it would push her teeth down) she has one mass that is 1.8cm x 1.6cm. Farther back of that is the largest mass. It's above and behind her right ear. It is 3.6cm x 2.8cm. Yikes. That is huge. :/ And then on the left side of her head, above her left ear, is a mass that is 1.5cm x 1.4cm. It's pretty much all over her brain.
Some time this week she'll start radiation therapy. They doubled the dosage of her swollen brain pills, and she's finally feeling better.
Currently: Playing with gauze.