- = Thursday, August 11, 2005 = -

The Bull Dog Obsession

Bull Mastiffs are the latest thing going on over here.

Everyone in my neighborhood suddenly has one. Even my brother is trying to get one. I love bully breeds. I really do. But all these bull dogs keep getting out of their yards.... and they're all female! Buster is going nuts. He smells them in the air and as soon as the front door is cracked... he's out and trying to jump on a bull dog!

I really hope all these new bull dog owners know what they're doing. Socialization and "off switch" commands are a must. There is a real sweetie down the street, but I doubt she's being trained correctly. She gets out the most, too.

I wish I could pop my brother and his friends upside the head. Hehe. They are constantly going in and out all day and they never pay attention to Buster. Do they have to go get him when he gets out? No! I do. Then, there he is... trying to play with another loose Mastiff.

Weight: 185lbs

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