- = Wednesday, July 20, 2005 = -

Would You Like Some Cinnamon On That Toast?

Puppy talk is boring, especially to the listener, but when you have a puppy, that's all you want to talk about.

I will do my absolute hardest best to restrain myself to just the following comment. Buster has discovered that knocking over Cinnamon causes her to roll all the way accross the room. He's been doing it non-stop. We should not have shown him that.

Well, I'm almost done with the whole Thousand Year Door thing. I don't know what happened to that promise of finishing the games I have first. I saw it. I bought it. What can I say?

Speaking of great games... I suggest EVERYONE hop over to Vertigo Games and download a free copy of Ore No Ryomi 2. Make sure your start-money goes to beer and a waste disposal system. A buffet is a nice addition, too. I hear they are coming out with an Ore No Ryomi 3. I can't wait!

Weight: 185lbs

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Approximately 2:48 PM, July 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous thought it fit to add...

Have a great day Manda! Love ya! I'll be coming to see the new puppy soon and maybe stealing it! HeHe JK!!!

Approximately 4:52 PM, July 26, 2005, Blogger Manda thought it fit to add...

Well, come on!!! ;P


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