I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Did ya' miss me... any?
So, anyways... Phone companies are *snip* (paste) idiots! Particularly AT&T long distance. We had to call Germany because, you know, the uncle was getting sicker and his gal lives over there. Not on our plan... so a couple of hours cost six hundred bucks. Completely up-the-wall re*dic*u*loso!!!! No reduced charges with them, no paying it out over time, no nothing... so... no phone... and no more AT&T. Goodbye suckas! Hello Verizon. Be nice.
So we gots our phone turned on this morning (YAAAYYYYY!!!!!) and sign on to AOL. It says we need to pay its bill first. Understandable. Really. We had it and the phone on the same bill. So we call up trying to pay a check over the phone. They wouldn't do that... weirdos. They want our visa debit over the phone. We do. We give authorization to pay the 57 dollars we owed. They said sign on to aol and type in agree on a popup box and that would authorize the 57 dollars to be sent. We're not stupid. We read the "agreement" first. Nothing about what we discussed was on that "agreement". It basically said we were authorizing thirty bucks to be automatically withdrawn from our checking account each month. Huh? And it also said that it could think up any freaking fees they wanted and have that withdrawn too. *Bleepers* Calling them back didn't help and then they automatically withdrew one dollar from our checking without our permission. To make an already long story short... we're getting a new card number and pass code, blah blah blah, and I'm using Net Zero right now.
Oh, well. Lot's and lot's of junk has happened during this long and unfair absence from a home phone and with it, my only access to the net. Sanity was held only by a little-known, but very addictive game, called Pharaoh Cleopatra. It's a Sim City-esque escapade involving the entire history of Egypt. I've spent countless hours with this game and have led my family, Wepwawet, through 23 generations and still haven't gotten half way through the game.
I'll spare you the boring details of the many goings-ons these past couple of months but will leave you with this. A nifty little list full of mystery and intrigue.
1. a funeral
2. a wedding
3. a lovely new garden
4. a cleaning out of a cave
5. the discovory of the Whitmans
6. a selling of a cave
7. an Independence Day disaster
8. a dabilitating back injury
9. an awesome new tatoo on the Hot Sauce King
Oh... and a new family member!

Weight: 185lbs (cake was involved)
Cha... Now if only that friend of mine will tell me what her blog address is, I'll feel really welcomed. ::hiccup::
Yay!!! I found her. Bookey and Lakey are together again!!!
OMG! I am soooo happy right now!!!!!!!!!!! Yea! You're finally back on! I have missed you sooo much!!! Now I have someone to comment on my site! Ok, I am so coming over to see your new dog! HOW CUTE!!!! Thanks for sticking by me even though I could be a better friend and come see you!!! I LOVE YOU MANDA!!!!!! AND I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!
Woo Hoo!!!! I love you, too!!!
Okay, I've only got one more person left I wish I could talk to... Where are you Mr. Shade? You didn't go and switch to daytime living, did you? That would be devastating!
what a cute little dog - i've been buisy enough in the last few weeks that i havn't stopped by, but i'm glad i didn't miss too much
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