- = Thursday, April 28, 2005 = -

The Uncle Pics... Finally!

Stealthily (is that a word?) I scan the pics... secretly I edit them... and finally... under much standing around in front of the computer screen acting like I'm not doing anything... I publish them.

As much work as I've done to get these up here, they're not as funny as I had first thought. All of these were taken in the 70's and earlier. Enjoy...

Weight: 178lbs



Approximately 8:06 AM, April 29, 2005, Blogger andy_t_roo thought it fit to add...

lol@ those pictures. . . i think every family has someone who end up having a collection of pictures like that.

i'll probably eventualy post some pictures on my website.

Approximately 10:15 PM, April 30, 2005, Blogger Manda thought it fit to add...

lookin' forward to it, lol


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