- = Thursday, August 25, 2005 = -


Here are some pics to be enjoyed while I try to come up with something interesting to say.

Cin can be SO evil, but Buster doesn't mind a bit.

And she can be cute or incredibly ugly after a bath... depending on who you ask.

Awwwww... Cin kissing Jo. What could be cuter?

Weight: 185lbs

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Approximately 8:50 PM, August 25, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous thought it fit to add...

OMG! Cin looks so mean in the first picture! She looks like a little grimlin! HaHa!

Approximately 9:26 PM, August 25, 2005, Blogger Manda thought it fit to add...

At least I managed to not take a picture where she was pulling his skin out three inches. That grossed me out so bad.


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