- = Tuesday, March 01, 2005 = -

My New Acquisitions

Finally... Some living rocks to call my own.

Hmmm... I dubb thee Fred and Ethel.

Weight: 176lbs

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Approximately 3:24 PM, March 02, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous thought it fit to add...

What I wrote yesterday was so terribly wrong and I didn't mean it at all! I still want to be friends with you and I hope that you give me another chance. I know I'm soooo terrible about saying we should do something then cancelling on you. If you give me another chance I swear I'll do stuff with you (and no, not just every three months) I went to the doctor yesterday and found out something so now I have to go have a test done tomorrow and if it comes out positive I have to have surgery. I'm scared right now because I do not want to have surgery. Please call me or send me an e-mail! Thanks! ~Melissa

Approximately 6:04 PM, March 02, 2005, Blogger Manda thought it fit to add...

Alrighty then.


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