My Wreck
Was in a wreck last Saturday. My poor car is ruined. I loved that car.
We were driving down a street with two lanes on each side of a middle turn lane. People all the time pull out real fast in front of traffic and whip into the middle lane. Like they're going half way across. It's a very busy little road. That's what I thought a woman was doing when she came towards me from the left. Except that she didn't whip into the middle lane. She just kept on coming. I had time only to move my foot over towards the break before I hit her. I've got lots of bruises and some lingering whip lash. My step mother had really bad whip lash and more bruises. My little brother and sister were in the back and both of them hit their right cheeks against the seat and gave them black eyes.
My Car:

Her Car:
Currently: Moping about my poor little car. I will miss it.
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