I, again, have nothing but pictures to talk about. Woo hoo.
These guys are my brother's reptiles. He has more, but the others were camera shy. I'd love to show ya'll the red tail boa cuz' that snake is just so beautiful. I love him. He was shedding, though. Yuk!
This guy is a ball python. He's a good starter snake if you ever want to get one. We've had him since he was a baby, less than a foot.

These babies are, um, red eared snappers, I think. I forget. They've grown quite a bit. There are five in all.

Awwwww... He's my favorite. He's a dragon something or other. I've got tons of pictures of him. He loves to pose. His favorite snacks are pears and meal worms.

And that, hopefully, is all the pictures I will force on ya'll for a while. Yeppers. Mm hmmm.
Weight: 176lbs
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