- = Thursday, September 13, 2007 = -

10.. 9... 8... Boom... Oops

Survey stolen from dwaggie.

---10 Firsts---

First Best Friend:::
Mary Mary. I miss Mary. I still have an awesome gift she gave me and we saw our first tornado together when I helped her move away. We were 8 or something.

First Screenname:::
bookey314... I love books. But peeps assumed I was a guy and wanted to place bets. hahaha.

First Pet Name:::
Domino. For the longest time I thought my grandfather had dumped him into the ocean from an airplane after he died. People. Please don't lie to little kids like that. You don't know the damage you do!

First Piercing:::
My ears.

First Crush:::
I don't know. I didn't do a lot of crushing.

First CD:::
Alanis Morisette... and I didn't get to actually listen to it for almost a year... when I got my first cd player. Ha.

First School:::

First House Location:::
I call it the green house... It was green. I don't know where it was at.

First Kiss:::
4 years old... with tongue... with brandon... in the bushes. We both thought it was gross. Haha.

First Car:::
White 03 Camry that I absolutely adored until that moronic old woman destroyed it. Now I have a Midnight Blue 03 Accord that I feel myeh about.

---9 Lasts---

Last Time You Smoked:::
A cigar last April. Hehe. It was gross.

Last Food You Ate:::
I just had some cookie dough ice cream with hot fudge on it. Woo.

Last Car Ride:::
Yesterday when Cindy and I were out doing stuff.

Last Movie You Watched:::
Oh what was that movie. Shooter. I think. Last week.

Last Phone Call:::
With Dwight about my car. Ha.

Last CD You Listened To:::
Serosia CD I got from Derek at his concert. Hehe. I still need to pay Kathy back for that.

Last Bubble Bath You Took:::
Holy crap. I'd love a bubble bath... in a big tub. Lessee... It would have to have been ten years ago. Maybe as little seven. I'm thinking at my Granny's old house. Her tub had jets and everything.

Last Song You Listened To:::
Some japanese song that is seriously funny. There it is.

Last Words You Said:::
Holy crap... a few seconds ago. I said that out loud you know. Ha.

---8 Have-You-Evers---

Dated A Best Friend:::
Urm, no.

Been Arrested:::
Yes... I mean no.

Been On TV:::

Eaten Sushi:::
No... but I keep waiting for an oppurtunity to. o_O

Cheated On Your B/F or G/F:::
Hehe... Kinda. I wouldn't do it these days though. That was kids stuff.

Been On A Blind Date:::

Been Out Of The Country:::
Yes. xD

Been In Love:::
Never. I don't think I ever will either. What the heck is 'in love'. That's a stupid concept.

---7 Things You Are Wearing---

1::: Jeans
2::: unders.
3::: uppers
4::: glasses
5::: doggy bed to keep my feet warm
6::: ummm... freckles
7::: dirt? I should prolly fetch a shirt at some point.

---6 Things You've Done Today---

1::: woken up.
2::: ate a pizza thingy.
3::: ate that ice cream.
4::: watched burn notice.
5::: sat down here.
6::: got on myspace.

---5 Favorite Things (not in any order)---

1::: My pups... and the walking them throughout the complex at 3am.
2::: My computer... and the mind warp gurgley thing I turn into from.
3::: My apartment.... all the rooms and all the things.... it's all mine! Yahahaha.
4::: My car... and the driving anywhere and everywhere in.
5::: My gun.... bang bang. heehee.

---4 People You Most Trust---

1::: I
2::: Trust
3::: No
4::: One

---3 Things You Want To Do Before You Die---

1::: The same things I'm doing now... but with maids.
2::: Take more trips... like cruises and hiking in colorado.
3::: Enjoy the doing of it. <_< _=" ">_> =_= x_x =_=

---2 Choices---

Vanilla or Chocolate::: vanilla.... with fudge. o_O
Hugs or Kisses::: spooning.

--1 Person You Want To See Right Now---

1::: No one until I put a shirt on.

Currently: Not wearing a shirt... I do believe we've established that by now.
