- = Tuesday, September 25, 2007 = -


I've started a new comic series.

I'm going to flesh out the storyboards a bit, make sure I can draw the characters the same way every time (oie, the faces, at least most of them are wearing masks or beards, so that will be easier), and hopefully I'll be able to launch it on my website by the beginning of next year.

It's a serious project with a story that's been swimming around in my head for nearly three years now. It will unfortunately not be funny, more of a epic fantasy. I wish I was funnier. Bleh.

It has a huge background story that I need to be careful about introducing properly when it's needed. I plan to start it at a very tense moment, technically in the middle of the story, and fill in the gaps along the way. Fortunately that will be easier, as the main guy character will be meeting the main female character for the first time after the tense stuff is over, and hopefully I can introduce her back story through his eyes. Cept, she won't explain it properly for a long time to come. She's a little introverted. I dunno. Volume Two will be the story of this woman's daughter and she starts out explaining her mother's life story, but it may be years before I get to start volume two.

Yeah, I know I'm being vague.

It's called The Legend Of Sarai. She's part faerie, one of the last of her kind, marries a farmer in the east, farmer gets killed, marries a prince in the north and has a daughter, prince gets killed, runs away with said daughter to the west while 'the dark' spreads across the land after them, daughter gets captured and taken back east, she runs after them with male hero character which is where the comic kinda starts. Sounds common now, but I have some unique stories planned for it.

I want to say that it will be something kinda in the middle of The Lord of the Rings and Death Note... maybe a bit of Dark Tower mixed in there too. That's my aim... but it won't be as good as either, and it won't be copying either. Ha.

I'll stop the gibberish now. Just wanted to say.

Currently: Drawing
